Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Review: Two Brothers Hop Juice

Brewery:  Two Brothers Brewing Company
Locale:  Warrenville, IL
Craft Circa:  1997
Style:  Double IPA
ABV:  9.9%
IBUs:  100.1
Notables:  An artisan beer crafted with a limited release in June of each year. 

Label:  Wonderful bottle.  A hop squeezed into a glass.  Sigh…. if it only were that easy.   

Overall:   I hyped this one up in my mind due to the favorable beers and consistency I’ve consumed through Two Brothers.  Across the board they are one of the more unswerving breweries out there.  Hop Juice did not disappoint.  This is an extraordinary brew.  No wonder this brew has its own festival.   That’s right, its own festival.  The Hop Juice Festival takes place the first weekend of June each year, to kick off the release I imagine.   They also have a home brew competition, so start working on yours this year. 

Double IPAs, also referred to as Imperial IPAs are an extra hopped version of an IPA. They typically have alcohol content above 7.5% volume according to Wiki. 

This is an extra hopped version of their Resistance IPA, with full citrus and a balanced blend of caramel that works nicely.  A little heavier than I would have imagined, making it difficult to drink another in the midst of a heat wave, but an excellent beer.  Very smooth, very bold, and it’s a very good choice for just about any occasion.  Just make that occasion a June event to take advantage of the fresh hops.  Hovering around 10% alcohol, a few of these and you’ll be doing stunts like Mrs. Featherbottom in no time! 

Acquisition:  22 oz.  $8 - $9

Tidbits:  The Hop Juice festival takes place outside of Naperville, IL.  If you plan on attending in the near future, play it safe!  Naperville and the surrounding area are continuously in the top tier for DUI arrests in Illinois and are infamous for making busts constantly. 


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