Locale: London Borough of Greenwich
Craft Circa: 1999
Style: India Pale Ale
ABV: 7.4%

Label: Sleek, Royal-esque.
Overall: Very good beer. It smelled very nice with floral kicking in
immediately. Not overwhelming with hops,
not very bold either. You are wanting it
to come off smoother than what it is because the initial taste reminds me of
other solid IPAs that I’ve had, but didn’t quite finish off as well as you hope
it to. With that said though, I would
definitely give it a shot, and for the price, it’s feasible to give their other
beers in their lineup a shot too. Just
remember if you ever visit the U.K., this brew is a definite viable option for
the hop drinkers who want a change up from their Boddingtons.
why venture off to the land of Cockneys
for today’s brew? Well 50 years ago
today, July 12, 1962, marks the date the Rolling Stones first took the stage. Their first gig was at the Marquee Club in London’s Oxford Street. 50 years of rock and roll… quite amazing. Rolling Stone Magazine has a great little
piece on the night that was to be. Check
it out.
Acquisition: 11.2oz - $4
Windfall: Top Album, such a masterpiece.
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